8bit mamba is a content creator on youtube. He have more than 1.1 million subscribers on his youtube channel

Who is 8bit Mamba?


8bit mamba BGMI ID number is 532571047 and his IN GAME NAME is 8bitMAMBA. Popularity is 2695110

8bit Mamba BGMI ID?


8bit mamba Real Name is Salman Ahmad and he was born on 25 july year 1995 in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh

8bit Mamba Real Name?


8bit mamba Girlfriend name is unknown right now or he is single, Not have any affairs and Status is Unmarried 

8bit Mamba Girlfriend?


8bit mamba earns 30,000 to 3 lakh rupees per month from his youtube channel

How much 8bit mamba earns from his youtube channel

Swipe up for 8bit mamba complete biography
